Welcome to the CFA Somali Breed Council website

In 1970, CFA established the Breed Councils to serve as an advisory body to the CFA Executive Board. The breed councils are groups of experienced breeders devoted to promoting the breed, and maintaining their standards.

Somali kittens

Here on the Somali Breed Council site, you will find information about the Somali - including awards, CFA history, and breed council winners - as well as information and news about the Somali Breed Council.


We'd like to thank Dr. Elsey's Precious Cat Litter, for their generous support and sponsorship of the CFA Breed Councils.


Take a look at photos from the Somali representatives at Meet The Breeds 2010!


All photographs © by the individual photographers.
Please do not download or copy them without express permission.

© CFA Somali Breed Council - All rights reserved
For questions or comments regarding the site, please contact the Breed Council Secretary
Site design and maintainance courtesy of Ristokat Web Design